Here is a picture above of
Sophie in Blue Water High.
I'll try to add some Blue
Water High screen caps soon!

Here is a intereview with
Kate Bell and Sophie Luck from the newspaper in Totalgirl
Fabulous Friends
We talked with BLUE WATER
HIGH'S Kate Bell and Sophie Luck about what makes their friendship so great!
TG: What's
the nicest thing Kate/Sophie has ever done for you?
Kate: She gives me hugs when i need them the most
Sophie: There are so many nice things Kate has done done for me! She always gives me advice. If i'm worried about something,
she makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. She's like a big sister!
TG: Awww!
What do you love about each other?
Kate: Sophie's so sweet and bubbly all the time and she's completely unspoilt. We've nicknamed her Tigger because
she's so bouncy! She's a pint-sized ball of energy!
I love Kate's personality and her sense of humour. She has a presence about her!
TG: What's
the funniest thing each of you has ever done?
Kate: [Laughs] We had a guy working on the show called Rama and we used to mess around with his name and call him
Banana-Rama and Soph didn't get the joke and would call him Chocolate-Rama or Strawberry-Rama. It was really cute!
Kate does a lot of funny things! She always makes me laugh!
Have you ever had
a fight?
Kate and Sophie:
What's something
people don't know about each of you?
Kate: Sophie learns her lines quickly! She's really fast.
Well, Kate's from the country! People might not know that.
How are you both
similar and different?
Kate: We're similar because we can both be silly and we both have really positive attitudes and are generally happy
people. we're different because Sophie has this boundless energy! [Laughs] Maybe because she's younger!
Kate's really smart and really articulate- I'm the complete opposite[Laughs] She's also really artistic
and i'm not. We both love to have a great time - neither of us is really serious- and we both joke around a lot!
October 9 2005